John Armijo
America's Movie Cop! John Armijo began his career as an actor and stunt performer in 2011 and has appeared in featured roles in Jurassic World, Terminator: Genysis, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, GI: Joe Retaliation, American Horror Story and True Detective. As a resident of Louisiana he has enjoyed success in the film industry’s recent resurgence in that location. He fills the niche role of ‘special ability’ which typically involves battle scenes and firefights, and applies his icy stare, intensity and presence in roles including a police officer, soldier or thug, and even as an assistant prosecutor facing off with Keanu Reeves in the upcoming courtroom drama The Whole Truth. John has many amazing stories to share with fellow movie fans about his experiences meeting and working with Hollywood’s biggest stars.
John is also a cancer survivor and is a volunteer mentor through the Imerman Angels Foundation for newly-diagnosed cancer patients.