Joe Rubinstein
Josef "Joe" Rubinstein started his artist career as a teenager in the early 1970s. Primarily working as an inker, his artwork has been published by every major U.S. comics publisher, including Marvel Comics, DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics. One of his most important tasks has been inking The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe over a span of 20 years, contributing to his Guinness World Record of inking more pencillers than any other inker. Included in his extensive credits of over 2500 comics are inking duties for Frank Miller's seminal Wolverine 4-issue miniseries from 1982 (the basis for the 2013 film The Wolverine), Jim Starlin's Warlock, Aquaman with Don Newton and Micronauts with Michael Golden. Later assignments included the Dark Horse Comics miniseries Archenemies and co-inked issues of the Ion miniseries from DC Comics. Joe currently inks projects for DC Comics, Marvel Comics and Kingstone Publishing. You can see more of his work at